A fansite dedicated to Alycia Debnam-Carey
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 The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart 1.04 River Lily Screencaps and Season 1 Promotional Images (08/13/23): The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart 1.04 River Lily screencaps (1080p logofree) featuring Alycia as Alic.....
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About Alycia

Alycia Debnam-Carey is an Australian actress known for Into the Storm (2014), The 100 and Fear the Walking Dead. Alycia was born 20 July 1993 and graduated from Newtown High School of the Performing Arts in 2011.

Alycia has appeared in several TV series including McLeod's Daughters, Fear the Walking Dead and The 100. Alycia is currently starring in Hulu series Saint X.

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The official Jimmy Kimmel Live youtube has posted a portion of Alycia’s interview where she discusses Fear the Walking Dead. You can check it out below:

We have also added sorted 720p logofree screencaps of Alycia during the interview to the gallery. Previews and links can be found here:

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Watch Alycia on Jimmy Kimmel Live as she talks failing her driving test and Fear the Walking Dead.

No infringement intended. All rights belong to ABC / Jimmy Kimmel Live.

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We have added three behind the scenes and early look photos of Alycia from her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight. More photos and a video of Alycia’s appearance will be available within the next few hours so be sure to check back.

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A bit late for this news, but ICYMI Alycia will be on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight at 11:35|10:35c on ABC! This is Alycia’s first talk show, so if you can watch and support, please do! Screen caps will be added when available.

In addition, a new interview was released from way back during Comic Con! Interviews, media, and news in general keep popping up all the time. If you have something to share or donate, please don’t hesitate! Go here to to donate what you can. Read some quotes from the new interview below, or go here for the full interview.

Were you a fan of “The Walking Dead” before you were cast in “Fear the Walking Dead?”

Alycia (A): I hadn’t seen it before I got the gig. But then, I thought it was a great excuse to binge-watch three weeks of amazing TV. So I did and then I just fell in love with it. I had to actually stop myself because I started getting like—not confused—but the worlds were colliding a little bit. It was kind of informing many of my (acting) choices. But it’s one of my favorite shows now. We recently had dinner with the cast. I was secretly “fan-girling” inside, like, oh my God, it’s Norman Reedus!

Can you talk about your characters and where they are headed?

A: My character is called Alicia which is also my name, but it’s spelled differently. She is a high achiever, knows where she wants to go in her life and goes through school with frustrating ease. She had to become quite independent and self-sufficient because of the loss of her parent and then a brother who is no longer around—he has his own personal problems.

So she is like, I want to get out of LA and I am done with this city. I got a great boyfriend and I am going to (UC) Berkeley. It’s all going to finally be her life on her own terms. But that’s also what makes this situation so tragic for her … because she has so much to lose. And that fall is going to be very hard and fast.

But she is quite a realist, too. So finding herself thrust in that world when she does come to terms with it—it’s very interesting to see what places she will pull from to get her through all of that.

Do you want it be a mercy kill?

A: No, I want a really fun death. If you are going to go, you go with style. The hard thing is, it’s a great show and you do bond quickly. We have filmed only six episodes and everyone is already like family. I’m thinking, if I didn’t come back to this, I can’t. This is my new little family! But no, every show is doing it, too. No one is really safe anymore.


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The FTWD press kit has released Alycia and Alicia’s cast and character bios respectively. Read them below or go here for the press site, or here for the official site.

Alicia Clark
Alycia Debnam-Carey

ALICIA CLARK is a model student who overachieves with frustrating ease. She wants the hell out of Los Angeles, and she has her sights set on graduating and escaping to college where she will be free of her family’s drama. For years, she’s watched her older brother sink deeper into his addiction, and she is close to giving up on him when the apocalypse hits. Her ambition is in direct proportion to her brother’s screw ups. She loves her mother, empathizes, but it’s time to do for herself – time to escape.

Alycia Debnam-Carey

Australian actress Alycia Debnam-Carey was recently named one of the “actors to watch” from the Australians in Film trade magazine, as well as one of “10 TV actors to watch” by Variety, and was runner-up in the 2012 Heath Ledger Scholarship, which celebrates Australia’s new young talent.

Debnam-Carey starred in the AMC pilot Galyntine and has held a recurring role on The CW’s The 100. She can also be seen in the New Line/Warner Bros. disaster film Into the Storm, and she played the lead in the independent film Where the Devil Hides for director Christian Christiansen and producer Mickey Lidell. She also is the lead of the upcoming WB Germany feature film Unfriend.

The FTWD press kit also released a Q&A with the cast and producers. You can read through Alycia’s Q&A below, or here.

Who is Alicia?
Alicia Clark is really the stable one in the Clark family. Kim Dickens who plays Madison is essentially the rock of the family, but she’s dealing with her son who’s a heroin addict, and she’s lost a husband and going through her own stuff. So Alicia has really been kind of solitary and self-sufficient for a long time. She’s felt the need to compensate maybe for everyone else’s struggles. She’s a good kid, smart, ready to finish school and get out.

I think the interesting thing with Alicia in this circumstance is that she’s got a plan for her life. She knows where she wants to go; she knows she wants to move and start her own life and feel like her own person. A great deal of the spotlight has been taken from her and focused on Nick because of his addiction, so she wants to break out of that. And people will relate to her because she has a plan for her life that completely falls apart in the face of what begins to happen around her. That’s real life.

What is the family dynamic like for Alicia?
I think she feels very trapped in this city and this family dynamic that’s extreme in many ways. It’s a very modern-day family. You don’t necessarily have what is considered a nuclear family anymore. It’s a single parent family with a missing father figure and a heroin-addicted brother who’s on the loose, so it’s a very broken household, really.

What is the show about?
Fear the Walking Dead is a show about family dynamics in the midst of pre-apocalyptic circumstances, and then what happens when society crumbles and the world falls apart and how people deal with it. I guess what’s different in this one from the original is that it is centered around what happened before, and how it even got to that stage of severity, and what happens when all those structures – electricity, transport, government, medicine and all other fundamentals – just dissipate. That’s a really interesting place to start for this show.

What’s different about Fear from The Walking Dead?
With The Walking Dead, there is a very provincial feel to it because it’s very rural. This one is set in one of the biggest cities in the U.S. – and that makes it scary. If the apocalypse were to happen, it would be unlikely that many people would be able to survive in such a massive city. LA is a great backdrop for this to happen; it’s very urban and relatable for people that way. This show is really all about humans and how they survive and what they do to each other to survive, and that to me is the most amazing psychological journey to witness. People will do whatever it takes to keep their kin safe and themselves safe, and that never gets old.

Describe Alicia’s relationship with her brother, Nick.
They’ve always had a brother/sister bond. Losing their father has sent Nick on a definite and extreme path of drug use, and it’s really broken them apart. I think for Alicia, having the loss of her father, and now losing her brother to drugs, it’s become hard for her to trust people and be open. But at the same time, Nick and Alicia share that loss and no one else knows what that feels like but them, so that also keeps them close in a way.

How does Alicia feel about her mother, Madison?
Temperamental. The relationship between a mother and teenage daughter is always a tumultuous one, but essentially it’s a good one. There is a very strong family unit between Nick, Madison and Alicia, but I think it’s just been so broken by circumstance. It’s hard because Madison has had to focus so much more attention on Nick and his addiction, and so she’s demanded a lot more of Alicia without necessarily knowing it. She’s been putting her own feelings and weight onto Alicia, and Alicia has had to bear the brunt of that a little more than anyone else, perhaps.

How do you think your character will deal with what’s coming?
Like with any character there’s a journey that has to happen. Probably because Alicia has started off being so strong, the decline for her is going to be a lot worse. What’s to come in future episodes is that feeling that nothing will be normal anymore. She can’t rely on anything anymore.


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Two TV Guide Magazine portraits of the Fear the Walking Dead Cast from San Diego Comic Con 2015 have been added to the gallery. Previews and links are available below:

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